Planning Permission
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Information & guidance
Fees for Planning applications are set by the government and must be paid before the Council can register an application.
Guidance on the cost of all planning applications can be found on the Planning Portal.
Please note that from 1 April 2025 the planning fees are due to increase and the new fees can be viewed on the Planning Portal.
Every planning application we receive will follow the same process:
- Applications are checked by our technical team to ensure correct plans, documents and fees enclosed and sufficient information has been provided to enable us to consider the application.
- Registration then confirmed in writing to applicant/agent.
A number of people will be notified of, or consulted on your planning application. This will include immediate neighbours of the site, elected members (your Ward Councillor), Town and Parish Councils and statutory consultees such as the Environment Agency and Kent Highways. A site notice will also go up outside the site for members of the public to make comments too.
The Statement of Community Involvement will give you further information regarding notification of planning applications.
It is important to understand that the Council can only take into account planning issues when determining an application. Consequently your comments should be restricted to relevant planning issues only. There is no exhaustive list of material planning considerations, but the following issues are likely to be relevant in most cases:-
- The effect of the proposed development on the appearance of the area
- The quality of the design
- Significant overbearing impact and loss of outlook
- The economic benefits of the proposal
- Highway safety issues
- Loss of important trees
- Intrusion into the countryside
- Significant increased noise and disturbance
Examples of issues that are not planning matters include:
- Loss of view
- Loss of property value
- Breach of covenant
- Loss of trade to competitor
- The level of profit a development might make
- Personal circumstances of the applicant (in most cases)
- Moral objection e.g. the use such as amusement arcades and betting offices
- Ancient rights to light
Comments on Planning Applications are welcomed and can be sent in writing to the appropriate case officer or by going to the Council’s website. Any supporting or objection comment relating to an application should be based on its planning merits and must not contain language that is offensive, abusive or malicious. In all cases please quote the application reference number.
You have 21 days from the date of the notification letter, site or press notice to submit any comments you wish to make about the application, although comments received after this deadline will be accepted provided that a decision has not been taken. We will not make a decision within the 21 day period.
Yes you should be aware that the Council is required to make any letters or petitions received available for public inspection. All letters are held with the planning application and may be inspected by the applicant or the general public whilst the planning application is under consideration.
Due to the large number of responses the Council receives, it is not possible to respond personally to each letter. However, your letter will be acknowledged and in due course you will be notified of the councils final decision.
Your comments will be used by the case officer in deciding the planning application and you should be aware that other members of the public may see your views.
A Ward Councillor can request that an application be reported to Planning Committee, if there is a justified planning policy related reason. This means it will be debated in public at a Planning Committee meeting with the Ward Councillors able to speak on your behalf.
The Councils Planning Committee has given the authority to Planning Case Officers to decide the majority of planning applications. However the minority of complex applications, often when a Ward Councillor requests it, are reported to planning committee, who meet monthly to decide planning applications.
No, the applicant has the right to appeal to the Planning Inspectorate. To find out more about the appeals process visit the Planning Portal.
As the law stands here is no right of appeal for objectors. In certain circumstances a Councils decision can be challenged in the courts, if there is a concern that the Council has acted unlawfully.
If you have an agent all correspondence will be sent to them. However if you do not have an agent and are applying by yourself then we will contact you directly.