The Thanet Community Lotto Grant Fund was launched in October 2024, to draw down money raised by the Thanet Community Lotto. The Lotto was set up in 2017 and had accumulated funds of over £70,000 through ticket sales.
Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations across Thanet were invited to apply for grants of up to £2,000, to support projects in the district. To be successful, the projects had to support the objective of promoting ‘Pride in Place’.
In total, 50 grants were awarded, and announced on Friday 22 November 2024. The full list of recipients and their projects can be found below.
Background information:
- Guidance and Frequently asked questions
- Due Diligence and Assurance Process
- Grant Fund Scoring Matrix
- Review Panel – Terms of Reference
- Text version of application questions
- TDC Brand Guidelines
50 organisations have been awarded a grant through the Thanet Community Lotto Fund and UK Shared Prosperity Fund (youth projects).
£71,864 Lotto and £18,317.05 UKSPF
Name of organisation | Project Title | Awarded |
1st St Lawrence Scouts | Summer Camp Costs | £1,000.00 |
1st Westgate Scout Group | Construction of new stores building | £2,000.00 |
6th Ramsgate Royal Harbour Sea Scout Group | Ice House renovation | £2,000.00 |
Academy FM Thanet | Radio Presenters Training Programme | £1,680.00 |
Aim4 Partnerships CiC | Chill Club Crafters | £1,210.00 |
Ark Cliftonville Cultural Space | Vesele Dete (Fun Kids in Czech) | £2,000.00 |
Arts Education Exchange | Access and Therapy fund for our creative programme | £2,000.00 |
Bags of Taste Thanet | Bags of Taste Thanet Family Home Cooking Project | £2,000.00 |
Birchington Parish Council | Memorial Recreation Ground Project | £2,000.00 |
Birchington Village Centre Organisation | Fire Proofing Stage Curtains | £2,000.00 |
Broadstairs Folk Week | 60th Anniversary Reusable Cup Children’s Competition design and production 2025 | £1,600.00 |
Broadstairs Town Team | Community Green Spaces in Broadstairs | £1,070.00 |
Cliffsend Youth Club | Cliffsend Youth Club | £1,000.00 |
Col’s Kent Bike Tours CIC | Family Rides for Health and Connection | £2,000.00 |
Community Creative Studios CIC | Make and Meet | £1,814.00 |
Discovery Planet C.I.C. | Happy Mondays: Proud of our Town and our Community | £2,000.00 |
East Kent Mencap | Margate Hub Kitchen | £1,890.00 |
Expression Arts CIC | Pride in Cliftonville Mural Project | £2,000.00 |
Free2Play CIC | Santa’s (gaming) Workshops | £2,000.00 |
Friends of Ellington Park CIO | Garden Square (informally Friends Garden) | £2,000.00 |
Imago Community | Thanet Young Carers | £1,336.00 |
LOOPING THE LOOP CIC | Making a Community Play for Thanet | £1,950.00 |
Margate Carnival Group | Christmas in Margate – staging and equipment | £1,500.00 |
Margate Radio | Spotlight on Margate Community Champions | £2,000.00 |
Margate Sea Cadets | Marching Band Equipment | £1,987.33 |
Medaille Trust | Grow for Hope | £1,877.00 |
Net Gain Communities CIC | Spencer Gore Grave Restoration – The First Wimbledon Champion | £2,000.00 |
Newgate Gap CIC | FLINTS Coastal Connection | £2,000.00 |
Oasis Domestic Abuse Service | Home Starter Pack for adults and children fleeing domestic abuse | £1,995.00 |
Open School East | Home is where the Garden is | £2,000.00 |
Pie Factory Music | Earn-a-Bike scheme | £2,000.00 |
POW Thanet | Community mural | £2,000.00 |
Ramsgate Skatepark Project | Ramsgate Skatepark Basketball Court Refurbishment | £2,000.00 |
Sunken Garden Society | New Bench | £1,750.00 |
Thanet Big Sing Community Choir C.I.C. | “Let us entertain you” | £1,785.00 |
Thanet Community Development Trust Ltd | Community Connections at Christmas | £2,000.00 |
Thanet Countryside Trust | Widening Access to Nature | £2,000.00 |
Thanet Disabled Riding Centre | Subsidise 3 Disabled Riders for 12 months | £1,500.00 |
Thanet Judokwai | Representing Thanet Judokwai Young People: At Home & Away | £2,000.00 |
Thanet Lions Club (CIO) | Food hampers/vouchers for families in need for distribution at Christmas | £2,000.00 |
Thanet Parkour Academy CIC | Jump into Parkour training | £1,443.46 |
Thanet Youth Network | Thanet Youth Network | £2,000.00 |
The Dreamland Heritage Trust | Cultural Custodians development programme | £2,000.00 |
The Hive Thanet CIC | Boccia Equipment | £500.00 |
The Social Justice Network | Break the Cycle community cohesion & community gardening project | £1,900.00 |
The Zone Youth Club, Broadstairs | Trips Out for Kids | £2,000.00 |
Well Projects C.I.C. | ‘Climate Historian Here’ arts & ecology workshops for children and families with printed matter outcomes | £1,770.00 |
Westgate on Sea Town Council | Redesign and Rebuild of Lymington Road Skate Park, Westgate-on-Sea | £2,000.00 |
Wildernesstowonderland | Nurturing and developing Community Gardening groups, promoting Civic Pride, Diversity and Inclusion. | £2,000.00 |
Windmill Community Gardens Margate | Planet-Based | £1,623.26 |
Shared Prosperity Grant Funds have been distributed amongst the district’s voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) groups through a competitive process.
Organisations eligible to apply delivered services in and/or support residents from at least one of these five priority communities:
- Cliftonville West
- Dane Valley
- Margate Central
- Newington and Northwood
- Central Harbour and Eastcliff
Successful applications must achieve at least one of the following:
- To engage residents into employment and training opportunities
- To engage residents into volunteering and social action initiatives
- To support young people in positive activities and community engagement
- To support initiatives with a health and wellbeing focus
Total Awarded: 26 Grants, £167,856.55 Revenue, £26,700 Capital.
Name of organisation | Project name | Award (Revenue) | Award (Capital) |
Kidenza | Music to make you feel good | £4,079.00 | £0 |
Kent Enterprise Trust | Page Turners: A Community Book Club | £8,100.00 | £0 |
Eudaimonia | The Lounge Cliftonville | £6,000 | £0 |
The Margate School Ltd | National Saturday Club Margate | £10,000.00 | £0 |
6th Ramsgate Royal Harbour Sea Scout Group | Ice House Community Centre | £0 | £10,000 |
The Margate Bookie | The Margate Volunteer Pool | £4,200 | £0 |
Well Projects C.I.C. | Hidden Ecologies Creative Workshops | £3,285.00 | £0 |
Inclusive Sport Kent CIC | Inclusive Sport Holiday Club | £9,940 | £0 |
Broadstairs Folk Week | Folk Week Volunteer Support | £2,000 | £0 |
YO! STREET ZONE CIC | Dane Valley Street Football Project | £6,870 | £0 |
The Garden Gate Project Ltd | Garden Gate Coffee Mornings | £2,719.56 | £0 |
Discovery Planet C.I.C. | STEM Extravaganzas | £9,995 | £0 |
Headway Kent | Thriving Thanet Brains – Beyond the Brain Injury | £6,846.99 | £0 |
Starlings Support CIC | Newington Community Gardening: Field to Fork | £9,500 | £0 |
St George’s Church, Ramsgate | St George’s Community Soup | £10,000 | £0 |
Athelstan Road Tenants and Residents’ Association | Ethel Athel Alleyway gardening and wildlife group | £3,000 | £0 |
NBE Fitness | We Move Together | £7,170 | £0 |
Arts in Ramsgate | Love Where We Live | £8,880 | £0 |
Dane Valley Woods | A Welcoming Woods | £3,150 | £6,700 |
Margate Football Club Community Trust | Margate Memories | £9,850 | £0 |
Quench Gallery | Quench Youth Artists Club | £9,421 | £0 |
Ramsgate Skatepark Project | Ramsgate Skatepark Basketball Court Refurbishment | £0 | £10,000 |
The Perfect Place to Grow | Employability Trainee Programme | £10,000 | £0 |
Margate Radio CIC | Turning Tables, Turning Lives: Youth Empowerment | £2,850 | £0 |
Cliftonville Cultural Space | Cliftonville – a great place to grow & thrive | £10,000 | £0 |
Citizens Advice Thanet | Community Connect | £10,000 | £0 |
Stage 1: 9 organisations received £1500 grant, to fund their project business plan.
Name of organisation | What is the project title |
POW Thanet | Rest with PACE partnership |
Thanet Community Development Trust | Ramsgate Heritage Centre |
Foreland Fields Charity | The Hive |
East Kent Mencap | The Scrap Store |
Windmill Community Gardens Margate | Community Roots |
21 Together | 21 Together Thanet Centre |
Sports Connect Community CIC | Walpole Bay Education and Sports Hub |
Thanet Judokwai | Thanet Judokwai Wellbeing Practice Garden |
Kent Coast Volunteering | Youth Volunteering Programme |
Total awarded: 7 organisations received grants totalling £136,032.52 revenue to deliver projects that positively impact the five priority areas
Name of organisation | What is the project title | Awarded |
The Hive CIC | The Hive | £19,990.00 |
East Kent Mencap | The Scrap Store | £16,100.00 |
Windmill Community Gardens Margate | Community Roots | £19,952.32 |
21 Together | 21 Together Thanet Centre | £20,000.00 |
Sports Connect Community CIC | Margate Education, Health and Activity Hub | £20,000.00 |
Thanet Judokwai | Thanet Judokwai Wellbeing Practice Garden | £20,000.00 |
Kent Coast Volunteering | Youth Volunteering Programme | £19,990.20 |
PermalinkCouncil supports community projects with grants totalling £136k