Each lead local authority is required to set up a local partnership, consisting of a diverse range of stakeholders including civil society organisations, employer bodies, business representatives. Thanet District Council is required to ensure that the group is fully representative. All MPs in the area will be invited to join the local partnership group.
The local partnership group (LPG) will be an advisory group with no decision making powers.
The purpose of the UKSPF Local Partnership Group (LPG) is to ensure the UKSPF projects are being delivered on time, within budget and meeting the aims of the programme.
To oversee the implementation of the UKSPF funding allocated the LPG will ensure that the funding is spent in a way that reflects the current needs of the District and its residents, bringing a community, business and skills focused perspective to support the council’s investment decisions whilst taking care to avoid conflicts of interest. This will ensure that Fund investments complement other activities in the area and meet the Fund and local objectives.
The LPG will facilitate an effective working partnership between the council and wider stakeholders as set out by central government, for effective delivery of projects within the Thanet UKSPF Investment Plan approved by the government.
PermalinkIt is the responsibility of the local partnership group to ensure the UKSPF projects are being delivered on time, within budget and meeting the aims of the programme.
It is an advisory group that will:-
- ensure the UKSPF and relevant resources are allocated to the agreed projects
- ensure appropriate engagement of stakeholders
- take advice and guidance from the Project Lead, key agencies and stakeholders to assist in their scrutiny of the delivery of the UKSPF projects
- ensure that a robust communications and engagement plan is in place
- ensure diversity in its engagement with local communities and businesses
- oversee each step of agreeing the UKSPF projects and overseeing compliance with the Memorandum of Understanding with government
- provide a quarterly update report to Cabinet through the Portfolio Holder for Regeneration and Growth
- ensure meetings respect confidentiality due to the commercially sensitive nature of the programme. When items are specifically confidential this will be raised at the meeting.
- ensure the undertaking of Environmental Impact Assessments where required and fulfilling duties on public authorities under the Equalities Act, in particular, and the public sector equality duty
- ensure any conflict of interest is managed appropriately.
Further guidance on government’s requirements around the LPG can be found on the gov.uk
- Cllr Ruth Duckworth – Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Property
- Wayne Beech – Head of Communities, Porchlight
- Emma Cooney – Charity Manager, Kent Coastal Volunteering
- Lucy Druesne – Chief Contracts and Policy Officer, Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce
- Nicola Tumber – Deputy Principal, East Kent Colleges Group
- Anthony (Tony) March – Department for Work and Pensions Partnership Manager
- Jess Mookherjee – Assistant Director/ Consultant in Public Health, Public Health Kent
- Tom Tsangarides – Director and Founder of Inclusive Sports
- Emma Woodward – Operations Manager, Forward Trust
UK Local Partnership Group Biographies
I am the Cabinet Member for Property and Regeneration. I sat on the Margate Town Deal Board and chaired the Climate Emergency Working Group in the previous Council administration. I currently sit on the General Purposes and Standards committees. I also sat on the Millmead Children’s Centre board for four years. I think that investing in children is one of the most important things we can do. If we can give a child a sense of being part of society, it will stand them, and society, in good stead for years to come.
I have had many roles in both the public and private sector, which has given me a broad understanding of the things that affect people. I am passionate about injustice, and will always be a voice for fairer systems, so that everyone can feel that they have something to contribute to society as well as mutually benefitting from it.
PermalinkI am currently the Head of Communities and Mental Health at Porchlight and have been in post for over 2 years. Prior to working at Porchlight, I had over a decade’s experience working in schools, predominately in areas of coastal deprivation. I am passionate about supporting those from the most deprived areas and disadvantaged areas.
PermalinkKent Coast Volunteering connects communities through volunteering and community-led projects; supporting volunteers and volunteer-involving organisations to meet needs and improve quality of life. I was appointed in April 2023 to manage the charity. Previously I was Project Management Officer in Thanet, promoting volunteering, matching volunteers with charities, organising events and creating resources to support Thanet’s volunteer-involving organisations.
Lucy Druesne is the Chief Contracts and Policy Officer at Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce and is responsible for the management and delivery of contracts & grants for the benefit of businesses in Kent & Medway Lucy leads the delivery of the Kent & Medway Growth Hub and Kent & Medway Local Skills Improvement Plan
Nicola Tumber is Deputy Principal at EKC Broadstairs College. Nicola oversees the strategic development of the College’s provision, working with Curriculum Heads to ensure the offer meets local, regional and national skills needs.
Nicola firmly believes in the importance of the educational journey that every student takes. She feels that with high teaching standards, enrichment opportunities and dedicated pastoral care, each student has the tools they need to progress and be the best person they can be within the local community. Her overriding philosophy is that every person can make a difference in whatever they choose to do and in whatever field their passion lies.
Nicola started her career in early years education after completing her Childhood Studies Diploma at Canterbury College. By the age of 21, Nicola had started her journey into management, becoming the manager of a Thanet-based nursery. By 24, Nicola was a regional manager for a large national nursery chain. This position gave her the chance to travel across the country, developing the quality of education and care in nurseries and managing the business operations for a cluster of nurseries within the company. During this time she successfully completed an Early Years Education degree.
In 2009, Nicola started a family and soon decided that a job with less travel would offer a better work–life balance. After a spell at a children’s centre in Ashford, she realised that her passion lay with teaching and in 2013 she applied for a job at the College as an early years lecturer.
During her time at the College, Nicola helped to design and set up the on-site nursery and became a freelance Ofsted inspector for early years, alongside her teaching role. Nicola subsequently progressed to Programme Director, before being made Head of Early Years and Health and Social Care, and later joined the Senior Leadership Team, in 2019.
Nicola left Broadstairs to join EKC Ashford College as Deputy Principal in November 2020. She overcame unforeseen challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic and worked to resolve unprecedented issues to ensure the College’s high standards were met. She returned to EKC Broadstairs College in June 2022 to take on her current role as Deputy Principal.
Nicola has always lived in Thanet and enjoys a busy family life with her two boys and partner, Mark, who is in the construction trade.
I am a Partnership Manager for DWP covering the Job Centres in Thanet. I work externally with key stakeholders across Thanet to bring support into the Jobcentre to support claimants to move closer or into work.
Jess Mookherjee is Assistant Director of Public Health in KCC and has been a qualified consultant in public health in Kent since 2008 and worked at senior level in public health for over 25 years. Jess has a clinical background in mental health and research background in biological anthropology and socio-ecology. Jess has been active in public health education and has a PGcert in Medical Education and was Training Program Director for public health for a few years after a long stint as educational supervisor for Kent. Jess now supports the mental health education programme, training psychiatrists and GPs and provides a final year placement in public health for trainee clinical psychologists in Kent. Jess has an interest in health inequalities and reduction of coastal poverty and has been the key public health advisor to the East Kent coastal health system for a number of years. Currently Jess’s public health role involves supporting the Kent mental health system, leading for substance misuse, suicide prevention and public mental health as well east Kent, supporting local Health Alliances and work on coastal health inequalities. Jess also writes poetry in her spare time.
My education journey began as a primary school teacher with a passion for PE and sport. I was appointed PE subject leader in all the schools I worked in and I always had a passion for supporting children with SEND. I guess it was my innate compassion that magnetised me towards working with children that had behaviour or learning needs. I was inspired to develop whole school behaviour and inclusion strategies which consequently led to being awarded the role of school behaviour lead.
After many joyful, successful years within primary education I made the decision to specialise in working with children who had special educational needs. I was lucky enough to work in an ‘outstanding’ special school paving the way for a deeper understanding of inclusion and furthering my appreciation of fostering a positive approach towards behaviour management. It was during my time in specialist education that I founded Inclusive Sport. My main intention was to provide children with SEND an environment to enjoy sport and physical activity and be accepted for who they were.
Inclusive Sport is now a well-established organisation that employs multiple staff and works throughout Kent with schools, community clubs and charities. We truly put inclusion at the heart of our ethos. Our team of inclusion experts deliver sport, physical activity and health programmes for children and adults from disadvantaged groups and special populations. Inclusive Sport also delivers training and education workshops for teachers, coaches and like minded professionals who would like to improve their inclusive provision.
After many years of experience working with children who have special educational needs both within schools and the community I now work as an educational consultant. I am passionate about working with schools to support them with both improving their inclusive provision and developing a deeper understanding of behaviour management. My consultancy combines my experience within education as both inclusion and behaviour leads with my compassionate, inclusive and understanding attitude that has allowed Inclusive Sport to flourish.
PermalinkAfter graduating University with a Health and Social Care Degree, I then joined the Employability sector as a front work Job Coach in 2012. Within a short time of supporting unemployed adults to find sustainable work, I progressed into management and have successfully delivered several employability programmes and Adult Skill services across East Kent for the last 12 years. As a ‘born and bred’ Thanet resident, I love supporting local communities across the district and partnering up to strengthen services for struggling families and businesses.
Board Member | Registered Interest |
Cllr Ruth Duckworth | Financial Interest
Non Financial Interest
Wayne Beech | Financial Interest
Non Financial Interest
Emma Cooney | Financial Interest
Non Financial Interest
Lucy Druesne | Financial Interest
Non Financial Interest
Nicola Tumber | Financial Interest
Non Financial Interest
Anthony (Tony) March | Financial Interest
Non Financial Interest
Phil Trice | Financial Interest
Non Financial Interest
Tom Tsangarides | Financial Interest
Non Financial Interest
Emma Woodward | Financial Interest
Non Financial Interest