Having difficulty paying your Council Tax?

If you are struggling to pay your Council Tax, see what payment options are available

If your income has been affected and you can’t pay your Council Tax, there are several options:

Council Tax support

If your savings are below £6,000 (£16,000 for pensioners) you may be entitled to council tax support. To work out how much you might get, you can use our online benefit calculator.

If you do qualify for help towards paying your Council Tax, you can make a claim online.

Exceptional hardship award

If you are still struggling to make payments you can make an application for an exceptional hardship award. You need to qualify for Council Tax Support to make a claim for this.

Spread your instalments over 12 months

If your savings are above £6,000 or you don’t qualify for council tax support, but your income has dropped or you are experiencing cash flow problems, you can contact us and we can spread your instalments over 12 months rather than the usual 10 months.

To discuss your Council Tax instalments please contact us on 01843 577073.

Discounts and exemptions

You can also check if you could get a discount or exemption on your Council Tax.

Make a payment arrangement

If you owe Council Tax you can ask for a special payment arrangement to clear the amount you owe.

Further financial support and guidance

If you are struggling to pay your bills please see below for further guidance on financial support and advice and utilities.

Benefits, jobs & debt (also see Utilities)
Citizens Advice Bureau

General financial advice and support

Help to Claim Universal Credit helpline – 0800 144 8444 Choose option 1 for specialist advice on redundancy
Thanet Citizens Advice Bureau

Help for Thanet residents

General enquiries – 01843 228643

Money Advice Service – 01843 597011

Universal Credit Help to Claim – 01843 229696

Lines are open Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm calls after this time will not be answered

Family Lives

Charity supporting vulnerable and lower-income families

Freephone – 808 800 2222

Email – askus@familylives.org.uk

Shaw Trust Employment Service & Porchlight Work4Wellbeing

(Formally JET IPS Employment)

Freephone – 0800 567 7699

Email – info@livewellkent.org.uk

Department of Work & Pensions Specific Covid 19 related advice for employers

Specific Covid 19 related advice for employees

Job Centre (DWP) For DWP advice – 01304 866190
Money Advice Service

For advice regarding finances and debt

0300 500 5000
National Debt Line

Coronavirus hub for money worries

0808 808 4000
Step change

Free debt advice online or over the phone

0800 138 1111
Christians Against Poverty

Debt help

0800 3280006



Utilities, Council tax & DDC Services

Utilities – Gas & Electricity

For information about gas and electricity during current situation.

covid 19 your energy supply
British Gas Energy Trust

For advice and help with utility debts


01733 421021

Scottish Power

Hardship fund for customers having difficulties paying their bills due to low income or other circumstances

National Debtline – 0808 169 8780

Lines open Monday to Friday 9am to 8pm, Saturday 9.30am to 1pm

www.SEDhardship.fund – 0808 800 0128

Lines open Monday to Friday 8.30am to 8pm and Saturday 10am to 2pm.

Ovo hardship grants Help for OVO Energy customers to clear/pay off any debt on their OVO Energy account. Applicants must have run up a debt on their gas or electricity account of at least £150, have an annual household income of £16,190 or less and have a valid reason affecting your ability to pay. Online access only.
E.on For existing or previous E.on customers to help with bills or household items. Priority will be given to those who have already received debt advice.

03303 80 10 90 – . Mon-Fri 9-5pm

Npower energy fund

For current domestic customers.

01733 421 021
Pre-pay meters

For those on electricity or gas pre-pay meters for remote top-ups

0330 100 0303
Southern Water

For information about water supply during current situation.

Emergencies only – please telephone us on 0330 303 0368
Southeast Water Priority Services Register (for customers of utility companies including Affinity and Southern Water) For help in a utility emergency Sign up for free For those with chronic illness, have medical support at home, refrigerated medication, dementia, a disability, pensionable age, children under 5, suffering a bereavement.

Help & support

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