Front line Worker

As a frontline worker, you play an essential role in helping people who can’t afford to heat their home. Join our 250 strong group of referrers who access schemes for their clients and help with households with the cost of living and housing improvements. Contact eve.lockton-goddard@thanet.gov.uk for more details

Around 10% of households in Thanet face fuel poverty with many having to choose between heating and powering their home or spending money on other essential outgoings such as rent and food.

There are three main factors that influence a household’s ability to keep warm and power their home:

  • Rising or high energy prices
  • Low incomes
  • Energy inefficient homes

NICE publishes guidelines on excess winter deaths and illness and the health risks associated with living in cold homes.

It is possible to help a household out of fuel poverty.

Ways to do this include:

  • Providing financial pathways to increased income
  • Improve the heating and insulation of properties
  • It is also important to support householders to understand their bills, how to use energy in the home and to have knowledge of the support available.

If you encounter someone who needs help to keep their home warm, contact us using our online referral form.


If you are in a frontline position or represent a community group that works with people who may be vulnerable to fuel poverty, we can provide training to help you to:

  • identify people who are most vulnerable and recognise signs in the home
  • identify the health implications of fuel poverty
  • Improve your understanding of home energy efficiency and money saving improvements
  • know how to refer clients
  • If your team would benefit from a visit from our Home Energy Officer, please email us on energysaving@thanet.gov.uk to arrange this.

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