Domestic Abuse
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Domestic abuse
If you are a victim of domestic abuse call 01843 577901 or visit the Thanet gateway plus at Cecil St, Margate.
Behaviour is abusive if it consists of:
- physical or sexual abuse
- violent or threatening behaviour
- controlling or coercive behaviour
- economic abuse
- psychological, emotional or other abuse.
It can happen in family or romantic relationships. It is wrong, and there are services available to support you. It is important to know that you are not alone, and that there are many services that can help you.
- The Police on 101 or in an emergency call 999
- The National Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0808 2000 247
- Rising Sun Kent
- Oasis – 0800 917 9948
- The Mankind (male victims of domestic violence)
- Broken Rainbow (LGBTQ+ people suffering domestic violence) – 0300 999 5428
- I need help now – Refuge
- Your Housing Association or landlord
The Council’s Community Safety team work in partnership with Kent County Council Safer Scheme which aims to help people that have experienced domestic abuse to remain in their own homes and feel safe. It provides more choice and control for survivors. This is done by carrying out security assessments and providing extra home security. The scheme is funded, so you won’t need to pay anything.
What can be provided
The scheme is made to fit the needs of the individual. It offers extra security measures to your home and support from agencies. The security measures include;
- extra locks for windows and doors
- panic alarms
- stronger, fireproof doors
- better security lighting
Who is eligible for the scheme
The scheme is available to anyone living in Thanet who is, or could become, homeless because of domestic abuse or hate crime. It is available to homeowners, housing association tenants and people who rent their property privately. If you rent privately, you will need permission from your landlord for the work to take place. If you own or rent your property with the abuser, you will need to seek legal advice. No work can be carried out on a property if the abuser has a legal right to live there.
How does it work
The scheme works from a professional referral and you can contact or for support. You can find more information on
Benefits of the scheme
- continued support
- no need to move house
- no need to transfer children to another school
- no need to change doctors, dentists or other services