Do you need permission?

Before you start any work to a building, or wish to change the use of a building or land, you’ll need to check whether you need planning permission.

General advice about whether planning permission is required is on the Planning portal website.

You can find out about the planning permission required for developing your home with this simple Visual guide for householders – Interactive House/Interactive Terrace

Larger Home Extensions: Neighbour Consultation Scheme

Legislation allowing larger single-storey rear extensions to be built under permitted development rules has been laid before Parliament and will come into force on 30 May 2013. The new size limits will be subject to a neighbour consultation scheme. Details of this can be found on the Planning Portal Website

If Planning Permission is Required:

If you don’t need planning permission you may require other permissions, including building regulation approval. You can get advice on these requirements by contacting us

What is a permitted development?

Certain  development can be carried out without planning permission. This is known as permitted development. You can find out more about permitted development rights by visiting the Planning Portal.

Are Planning Permission and Building Regulations the same thing?

No, each department deals with different legislation. Planning permission deals with the principle of your development, whilst building regulations deal with how your development is built, sometimes one is required when the other is not, you need to check with both departments.

Yes you can.  You can apply to the council for Pre-application Advice.

The Council charges a fee for providing this advice.  See our Pre-application Advice Section for more information.


Sometimes, it depends on the size and where it is to be positioned.  You will need to check on the planning portal Interactive House.

If it is a listed building then listed building consent would be required.


In some circumstances planning permission is required for the installation of solar panels.  To find out more information visit the Planning Portal.


Yes. Flats do not have Permitted Development Rights therefore planning permission will be required for the installation of UPVC windows.


Whilst the council would prefer that windows were in keeping with the style and period of the property there is no legislation to prevent you having Upvc windows installed in your house (this does not apply to flats), when you have permitted development rights, providing they are fitted within existing openings and the property is not a listed building. If your house is a listed building then you would require Listed Building Consent, and, in the case of Upvc window installation, it will not normally be granted.


We do not hold information about land/ boundary ownership.

You may wish to try checking your deeds or tenancy agreement. If these are not clear or don’t cover the land you need information on, you can try the Land Registry.


You may if the character of the dwelling will change as a result of the business. For further information go to the Planning Portal.


Is my property in the Conservation Area?

To find out whether your property is within the Conservation Area go to Thanet Conservation Areas Mapping

Is my property a Listed Building?

To find out whether your property is a listed building go to the Historic England website .

Do I need consent to do works to a Listed Building?

Yes you do. Listed building consent is required to do building works to a Listed Building, internally and externally. For more information see conservation


Near a road, public footpath or bridleway a fence or wall up to 1 metre (3ft 3in) does not require planning permission, if the fence/wall will be over 2 metres (6ft 6in) it will require planning permission wherever it is situated.  You will need to check with your Local Authority that there are no conditions on any planning consents removing these rights to put up a fence/wall.

Also you may want to check your deeds to make sure there are no other restrictions regarding putting fences/walls up.


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