Ramsgate Town Centre Study
Ramsgate’s Town Centre underwent significant change between the application for HSHAZ funding, and 2021. To assess how these changes had affected the high street and local demand, a report was commissioned, which is available below. The report made a number of observations and recommendations, and has led to further work described in the following sections.
One of the recommended actions in the Town Centre Study, was to create an overarching ‘identity’ for Ramsgate, to be owned and used by the town, for the benefit of all. We are aware of the many individuals and organisations that have businesses, activities and events in the town; an agreed identity will aim to provide an umbrella for this activity and would incorporate a set of values and a visual brand, promoting a coordinated approach.
A local team was engaged, funded through the HSHAZ, to create three narrative and visual proposals. These were based on the recent consultation evidence collected as part of the Ramsgate Town Investment Plan, the Ramsgate Seafront Placemaking Scheme and others. A public vote took place, and the winning logo was chosen, and this has been formalised in a branding pack available for all to use.
Facebook and Instagram pages are now live for Ramsgreat; these pages are linked below:
Instagram: @RamsgreatOfficial
Facebook: @RamsgreatOfficial