Moving business premises
Let us know if you’re moving business premises
It is important that you tell us about any changes that could affect your business rates.
Let us know if you’re moving business premises
If you have a change that may affect your business rates, you must tell us straight away in writing, giving full details of the changes.
Not every change you need to tell us about is shown above. If you are not sure whether to tell us about a change, tell us anyway.
In some cases, if you don’t tell us about a change we may take legal action against you.
PermalinkWe will have a look at your account and, if necessary, work out your business rate bill again. If there is a change, either up or down, we will send you a new business rates bill which will show your new payments.
If there have been structural alterations or a change of use, we may have to refer this to the Valuation Office Agency for them to reassess the property.