Building Control Application search

Search Building Control history

Building Control cases registered with the Council from 1992 are available.  You can search by the address or application number. Case information is updated instantly from our system.

Dates and details relating to Building Control applications are available from 1992; populated directly from our records.

The search facility enables you to see if Building Regulation consent exists for any property in Thanet.  You can view the description of works, completion dates and print details.

Note: some records are not complete.  If you are unable to find what you are looking for, please contact us.

Certificate duplicate still required?

We can supply confirmation of details on the statutory register for applications starting with IN, CF, DM, SP, or CPS.

Application details are free on the search facility.  Office supplied copies cost £51.50 inc per copy.

Dates and details relating to Building Control applications are available from 1992, these are populated directly from our records.

You will be able to see whether Building Regulation consent exists for any property and you will be able to view and print details, such as the description of works and completion dates.

The system is still being developed and records are not yet complete.  If you are unable to find what you are looking for, please contact us.

Still, require a duplicate copy of the completion certificate?

We can supply confirmation of details on the statutory register for applications starting with IN, CF, DM, SP or CPS.

As the above details are free from the search facility noted above, any copies required are charged at £51.50 per copy

When in the Building Control Application Search section of the website, it is important that you do not use the back or forward buttons on your browser. Instead, please use any provided “back” or “cancel” option within the page itself.

Search options

You can search using either a simple, advanced, or map search; using parts of the address, description, or case number.

  • The easiest way to find a single case is to search by the case number.
  • If you have only a partial entry to search on,  enter “%” before and/or after the information you have, for example, %CT9% in the postcode field will bring back cases registered on any address where the first part of the postcode matches CT9.
  • The more detailed your search criteria the more likely you will be able to find what you are looking for – the total number of search results is capped at 100.
  • You can also search using a date range of valid date or decision date however this is not relevant to all types of Building Control case.

When you have entered your criteria, click the “Search” button.  Your results will be displayed with the most recent at the top. Use the page numbers listed at the top and bottom of the results panel to navigate to any further results pages.

For more detail click on the case number that you are interested in to display the case details including the summary of the case, the applicant name, and the address the case was registered to.

No search results

If your search returns no results, this could be due to an incorrectly keyed application/case number, or too much detail in the incorrect field. You can reduce this (for example the house name or road) and add a “%” wildcard,  and search again.  If you still cannot find what you are looking for, contact Building Control.


No documents are made viewable to the public.

By using Thanet District Council’s online Building Control Search Facility you have agreed to the above terms and conditions of use.


Welcome to Thanet District Council’s online Building Control Case search.  The search facility shows all Building Control cases registered with the Council dating back to 1992.

You can search by the address, or application number (we are working on the map search which hopefully will be available before 2017). Case information is updated instantly from our system.

Applications older than 1992

We hold historic records from prior 1992.  If you would like us to search for any records we hold for a specific address prior to 1992 please contact us.

Terms and Conditions of use


Please do not rely on the information on this site as an alternative to traditional searches where completeness of the information is essential.  Whilst Thanet District Council takes every care to ensure that the information provided online is accurate, we cannot accept responsibility should you rely on this information and ultimately find it to be incorrect.

Copyright Notice

Plans, drawings and material submitted to the council are protected by the copyright acts (section 47, 1988 Act). You may only use material that is downloaded and/or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes, and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans.

Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner, (the applicant/agent/architect). However, you may make copies of the decision notice providing the copies are not altered in any way.

By using Thanet District Council’s online Building Control Search Facility you have agreed to the above terms and conditions of use.

If you cannot find what you are looking for, contact the Building Control Team.


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