Pollinators, such as bees, butterflies and moths, are insects that assist the reproduction of flowering plants by transporting pollen. They are vital for our food, economy and environment, however, they are in serious decline. Across Europe over a third of bee species are declining, along with two thirds of our moths and nearly three-quarters of our butterflies. We simply need to think back to the 1990’s when car windscreens would be covered in bugs after driving just small distances. Nowadays we can go on long journeys without even hitting a single bug. We must act quickly to reverse their obvious rapid decline.

Not only is this an avoidable tragedy, but the loss of pollinators is a direct threat to our food supply. Without insect pollinators there would be no strawberries, peanuts, olives or chocolate to name just a few. There would also be fewer flowers in our gardens or countryside to enjoy.

The most significant cause of pollinator decline, and one which TDC Open Spaces can immediately address, is the loss and degradation of habitats. Wildflower-rich grasslands is one of the most important habitats for pollinators, however over three million hectares have been lost in England since the 1930s. Many of the areas that are left are small and isolated, making it difficult for insects to find enough food and shelter.

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