What’s been happening….

Thanet District Council launched a campaign as Covid lockdown restricitons eased which focussed on encouraging people to Respect Protect and Enjoy.

The impactful and bright design has been received positively by residents and visitors. Banners, posters, pavement and bin stickers and new dog bag stations all feature the design and can be seen along our coastline and in our parks and open spaces.

As the campaign gathered momentum towards the summer season, more ways to spread the message were created. Merchandise, which includes cigarette butt pouches, t-shirts and high-vis vests, is for sale at the Visitor Information Centre in Margate. You can help protect our district from littering by purchasing a Respect. Protect. Enjoy. product. #respectprotectenjoy. All the proceeds will be going towards local litter initiatives.

  • Reusable Mini bin
  • White Tshirts S, M, L, XL
  • Orange Hi-viz Jacket

Contact us at education@thanet.gov.uk or call us on 01843 577000.

PSPO Awareness Event – 12 June 2021

Three TDC Enforcement Officers, one member of the YourLeisure team, five Fire Service and four Police Officers supported a PSPO Awareness event in June. The event focussed on engaging with beach users, educating them about the beach PSPO, listening to any concerns from local people and taking their feedback on board. Representatives from all agenices also handed out booklets, portable ashtrays and chewing gum pouches. A litter pick also took place and the team were even involved in extinguishing BBQ’s that people had left still piping hot by the bins!

A beautiful and clean Stone Bay left behind our successful PSPO day.

A beautiful and clean Stone Bay left behind our successful PSPO day.

Great British Spring Clean

Thanks to all our litter picking groups and volunteers who pledged as part of this year’s Great British Spring Clean. Over a million miles of cleaner and greener spaces were achieved as part of the #MillionMileMission! #KeepKentClean #KeepThanetClean. To join a litter pick please visit our page – join a litter pick.

TDC officers and community group leaders attended Keep Britain Tidy training prior to the official Great British Spring Clean start date. There were over twenty organised litter picks across the district with hundreds of volunteers.

The Great British Spring Clean ran between 28 May and 13 June 2021. A big thank you to all our District Litter Pickers and people who organised group picks. Our Streetscene, Street Cleansing and education team joined in with many of the litter picks over the two weeks. Picks also were led by Ramsgate Town Council, Ramsgate Litter Forum, Rise Up Clean Up!, Friends of Botany Bay, Ellington Primary School and many, many more amazing groups who came together to keep Thanet clean. Well done to everyone involved. If you would like to organise and register a beach clean please visit thanetcoast.org.

#GBSpringClean #Respectprotectenjoy #KeepThanetClean #KeepKentClean #Streetsahead #loveourstreets #streetscene #cleanstreets

Mars Wrigley Chewing Gum & TDC Campaign – Pointing Out The Bin

Mars Wrigley, in partnership with social enterprise Behaviour Change and Thanet District Council, have designed and provided a range of completely free and unbranded signage options, designed to tackle the problem of chewing gum litter across the UK. The signage has been trialled in a variety of public spaces including shopping centres, railway stations, beaches and coastline, parks, open spaces and even electronic bus stop indicators, after research showed that these locations see the highest incidence of gum littering.

All Thanet Schools and Educational establishments have been contacted to take part in the campaign. If you would like more information and would like to be involved in the project please contact education@thanet.gov.uk.

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