About the website
Here are the policies that govern our website. If you have any questions about them please contact us below.
The content on these websites, including images, data and design, is provided for information purposes and for personal, non-commercial use only.
The use of and access to the information is regulated by intellectual property rights (copyright). No part of these sites may be copied or adapted without written permission from Thanet District Council.
All information contained within our websites is, to the best of our knowledge, correct at the time of inclusion. The websites are regularly checked and updated but Thanet District Council cannot accept responsibility or liability for any loss, damage or inconvenience which may arise from the use of the information provided.
Links are provided to external third party sites that Thanet District Council considers may be of additional benefit and interest to site visitors. The Council does not however endorse the information, products or services offered by these sites and the businesses operating them. Similarly, the Council does not carry out ongoing quality control of these sites and cannot accept responsibility for any actions arising from their use or for the content of further links leading from them.
We are not responsible for the content of websites linked to or from our websites.
Privacy Statement
How we use your information
For more information on how the council collects, processes and stores data and your rights of subject access, please see our data protection page and privacy statement.