Additional Restrictions Grants (ARGs) Phase 3

Applications are now closed

The council has received a further £751,000 to distribute to businesses on a discretionary basis. This funding is additional to Restart Grants – any business that is eligible for a Restart Grant is not eligible for an ARG.

Many businesses have already received a previous ARG and they will have been contacted, as they will be eligible for this new grant. If you fit this category, please do not apply here – the email you received explains how you apply. The same value grant will be paid regardless of whether you are a business that has already received a grant, or a new applicant.

The funding is limited, but the volume of eligible businesses is likely to be large. Because of this, the council has set grant levels as follows:

Business Rates Category New ARG
Not rated £700
Rateable Value below 15k £700
Rateable Value 15-51k £1050
Rateable Value over 51k £1575

If your business:

  • Has not received an LRSG
  • Is not eligible for a Restart Grant
  • Is in any of the following categories of hospitality, accommodation, leisure or personal care:
    • group travel and tour operators
    • other tourism businesses (including B&Bs and event industry suppliers)
    • wholesalers
    • English language schools
    • breweries
    • freelance and mobile businesses (including caterers, events, hair, beauty and wedding related businesses)
      wraparound care providers
    • other suppliers to the hospitality and leisure industries

All relevant questions must be answered. Bank account information will need to be uploaded, to verify the account that we pay the grant into is the bank account of your business.

The opportunity to apply is limited – the closing date is midnight on 5 May 2021. There will be no exceptions to this deadline and there will be no appeal against a rejected application, whether that be because it is too late or because the information in the application form does not enable us to assess that the application is eligible.

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