7 January, 2021

Council tenants and leaseholders asked to give feedback on their new service 

Launched in October, the Tenant and Leaseholder Service now manages all of Thanet District Council’s residential property, following the decision to deliver these services in-house. 

The council looks after over 3,500 properties on behalf of tenants and leaseholders and, in a bid to ensure everyone is kept in the loop, it has issued a brand new printed newsletter. The A5 publication will be produced quarterly and include a mixture of key updates and service information alongside informative, practical advice on subjects such as financial planning and energy saving.

In the first edition of 2021, which was distributed on Monday 4 January, tenants and leaseholders are also being invited to complete an online survey.  The poll is designed to give council tenants and leaseholders a chance to feedback on the service Thanet District Council is providing. 

The survey asks what service improvements tenants and leaseholders would like to see, how well Housing Officers are supporting them as well as how satisfied people are with their home, and the repairs and maintenance provision.

Cllr Helen Whitehead, Deputy Leader of Thanet District Council and Cabinet Member for Housing and Safer Communities said: “We want and need to hear from our residents who live in the properties we’re responsible for managing. It’s important that you have a chance to tell us what matters to you, what’s going well and where there is room to improve. Housing coming back in house is a huge opportunity to create a service that works for everyone; but we need your honest input to assess where we are, what we need to do to build our service and how we can best serve you going forwards. 

“I urge everyone who receives the newsletter to take a moment to complete the survey so we know what you think of the service. There are also a number of ways for tenants and leaseholders to get involved all year round in helping us to make choices that reflect your views and those of your immediate communities; we want to hear from you, we need to hear from you, and the more people who get involved the more reflective and effective our service will become.”

Anyone eligible who completes the survey has the opportunity to enter a free prize draw to win one of three £100 prizes. There is just one entry per household and the survey closes on Friday 29 January. Full terms and conditions have been published online


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